Sunday, August 16, 2009

Why libraries matter

Here is a link to an article "Why Academic Libraries Matter" by Barbara Fister, Librarian at Gustavus Adolphus College, St. Peter, MN from the Library Journal, 8/13/2009

She ends the article with " a world where information is abundant, the library—your library—also has symbolic meaning that transcends its day-to-day uses. That symbolic meaning matters because in world of abundant information, the library's role in our culture goes far beyond mere information. For those drowning in information, the library is land, a place where you can clamber up, catch your breath, gather your wits—and drink deeply."

Within the body of the article are various interesting links eg :
Steven Bell's blog posting about the three values libraries provide - totality, meaning and relationships...
the Darien Statements outlining the purpose of the library, the role of the library and librarians...
Wayne Wiegand's recommendation that we focus not on how users can be made to fit into our library but on how the library fits into the life of the user - he goes beyond information role of libraries and looks at reading and place...

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