Friday, October 8, 2010

UK Literacy Trust survey on school library use / non use

From the UK National Literacy Trust, 5 October 2010, a new report :

Linking School Libraries and Literacy: Young people’s reading habits and attitudes to their school library, and an exploration of the relationship between school library use and school attainment

This paper explores what young people think about school libraries - do they use them? If yes, why? If not, why not? It also outlines how school library usage differs according to background demographics and reading attainment, and how it relates to wider enjoyment of reading, attitudes towards reading and reading frequency.

In the findings, the majority of young people who use the school library use it because it has books that interest them, it is a friendly space and because they think it will help them do better at school. Most of the 28% of young people who do not use the school library cite the same reasons in reverse, ie because it does not have books that interest them, their friends do not go and because they do not think it will make them do better at school.

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