Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Karen Bonanno and school library management

Check out Karen Bonanno's website with various useful presentations, articles and resources she shares...

is dedicated to the information specialists, teacher-librarians, school librarians, library media specialists, and those who work in school libraries worldwide, who are passionate about making a difference to student learning."

Karen held a webinar on school library advocacy in February this year, and her presentation is available here "7 Successful Strategies to Develop your Advocacy Toolkit"

Strategy 1: Identify a memorable message
Strategy 2: Capture killer statistics
Strategy 3: Gather startling facts
Strategy 4: Source quotable quotes
Strategy 5: Find remarkable stories
Strategy 6: Massage the media
Strategy 7: Leverage the network

Her presentation finishes with the tag : Collaboration, Community, Contribution - Build the Tribe.

I'm planning on joining her April webinar this evening - A point of view on Digital Literacy.

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