Monday, May 3, 2010

The Underneath by Kathi Appelt

The UnderneathThis wonderful, poetic story is a 2009 Newbery Honor Book - and is one that may divide opinion- I wasn't sure when I started to read it, but was won over as all the threads drew together. I wonder if it would be a good read aloud ?You'd have to read it first and see what you think. It is a beautiful, complicated, sad, unusual story about a dog, a mother cat and her kittens set in the Louisana swamplands in the present and the past... It is a story of threat, darkness, loss, danger and cruelty but also of bravery, friendship, love, sacrifice...

Here is the author's website where you can hear the author read a chapter to get a feel for the writing, and also read some reviews (and each review leads you to a great site in itself too !)

From Elizabeth Bird at Fuse #8 :
Appelt in her debut novel has somehow managed to write a book that I've been describing to people as (and this is true) Watership Down meets The Incredible Journey meets Holes meets The Mouse And His Child. If that doesn't make any sense to you it is because you have never read a book quite like this. Bound to be one of those books that people either hate or love, I'm inclined to like it very very much. But that doesn't mean it isn't weird, man. Really freaky deaky weird.

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