Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Primary school "50 book challenge"

A boys' school in Auckland runs this programme from the library called "Literacy Awards" for Years 2 - 8 :

"For each of six levels (Yrs 2-3, 3-4, 4-5 etc) we publish a booklet with 450-700 titles in each, sorted by genre. For Yr 2-3 the boys have to read 20 titles but no more than two by the same author or in the same series. The older ones there are the same stipulations plus a max of five and a minimum of two per genre with a combined total of 30 books. This encourages the boys to read widely rather than stick to the same-old, same-old. The incentive is a certificate presented by Headmaster at assembly plus 10 House points - boys being by nature competitive beasts, this works extremely well. Yr 8s who complete the last award also receive a point towards the "Achiever's Tie", something that is highly sought after. It works for us and the boys are the ultimate winners. "

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