Wednesday, October 20, 2010

100 books challenge

I read a post on LM_Net about a challenge to read a 100 books before the end of the school year - here is a blog by a school librarian who has taken up that challenge and is posting about it...

"OK - What can I do to read lots of books in a short amount of time and make sure I stay on track? Make a pledge to read 100 books during this school year then post it on the internet and tell all the students in my school so they can keep me honest, of course!
My plan is to read 100 books during the 2010-2011 school year. I'm going to read all kinds of stories - funny, sad, scary, adventurous, quiet, long, short, with pictures, without pictures. All kinds of stories. Wish me luck and give me suggestions! I’ll keep you posted on this blog! "

It isn't such a revolutionary idea, but setting oneself a challenge (eg a certain number / by when / different genres...) and keeping a blog about it (or LibraryThing / Shelfari account) is a great way to be reading role model and promote reading to students - and fellow teaching / library staff - eg for summer reading...

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