Thursday, April 7, 2011

What does a good library tell you about a school?

A post from Doug Johnson on his Blue Skunk blog, shared on schoolibs by Carole Gardiner from Queens High in Dunedin this morning

"Had I any say in the decision, my grandsons would never attend a school that did not have a good* library program. You can tell a lot about a school's philosophy of education - in practice, not just in lip service - by what sort of library it supports."

He then goes on to list 12 beliefs demonstrated by a school with a good school library...

* Good = professional and support staff, adequate materials, articulated curriculum, pleasant physical plant, up-to-date technology.

It brings to mind an apposite quote from Harold Howe, II (1918-2002), former U.S. Commissioner of Education, in an interview "On Libraries and Learning":

"What a school thinks about its library is a measure
of what it feels about education."

School Library Journal, February 1967, v. 13, p. 28.

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